Wednesday, September 28, 2005

On the Candidates' Blogs, Writing Right and Wrong - New York Times

Healy, Patrick D. "On the Candidates' Blogs, Writing Right and Wrong - New York Times." 28 Sept. 2005. New York Times. 28 Sep. 2005 <>

At one point in this article, which covers a dust-up about inaccuracies in an entry in a campaign blog ascribed to the candidate but actually written by an aide, the reporter writes,

Asked why Mr. Ferrer was credited for words he did not write, Ms. Bluestein offered an everyone-does-it defense.

"This happens in political campaigns all the time," she said. "In this case he called in some ideas, and someone got a little loose with the editing."

Ms. Bluestein might have said, "this happens in political campaigns all the time in all media." Heck, even when the candidate is speaking in person, he or she is often not speaking his or her own words and may not know whether they are accurate. Why should anyone assume that blogs would be different in this respect? I think this story tells us more about the newsworthiness of blogs than about the nature of blogs.


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